11 years ago

“A revolution is not a bed of roses.” (Documentary) 

American Director Oliver Stone’s facebook page yesterday: Unfortunately, there’s never been an official release in the US of my film COMANDANTE, my first documentary with Fidel Castro. We’ve been trying to get a DVD released for many years now, but the rights are tied up with the Spanish production company. In lieu of an official release, a fan has uploaded a good quality version on Vimeo and you can watch it for free….Oliver Stone interviewed Cuban President Fidel Castro on a diverse range of topics during a three-day visit to Cuba in 2002. Of course is Stone no strange r to controversial topics so this film stirred another debate when released in 2003. Judge for yourself. WATCH FULL FILM HERE IN GOOD QUALITY HERE & Version with Oliver Stone’s audio commentary here. Stone’s 2nd film with Castro, LOOKING FOR FIDEL, is available HERE, and his 3rd film, CASTRO IN WINTER, will be released digitally this summer.