Bar25 – Days out of Time.
Through € 27.000,- was raised to edit 250 hours of film material of the legendary Bar25 in Berlin, Germany. On May 3rd the film ’Bar25 – Days out of Time’ was released in select theaters throughout Germany. The film documents the freewheeling lifestyle of music, creativity, individuality, and unflagging energy that transformed a riverside wasteland into a fantasyland on the Spree river in Berlin. Over it’s seven year history, Bar25 evolved in every direction. It was a place to live, to drink, to dance, to create – a nightlife venue and daytime (and nighttime) workspace, a wellness oasis and gourmet mecca. In the Summer of 2010, Bar25 lost its final battle with the forces of development. The businessmen and city politicians had different ideas about what should happen along the Spree’s banks – and free-floating creativity and revelry were not part of it. On midnight, September 13, with a final foghorn blow and a shower of confetti, Bar25 closed its doors for good. For those who have never been to Bar25, not to worry! The people behind Bar25 opened ‘Kater Holzig’ in Berlin last year. A great venue and similar crowd. Check it out. Can’t wait to see this film!