“Be Together. Not the Same.”
The February 5th released (06.02.15 – 250,000 views), and still ongoing viral (WATCH HERE) of the new Google Android Ad, is through it’s simplicity, simply perfect. I have a feeling Google knows our ‘average search’ behaviour maybe too well. With an excellent choice of Roger Miller’s 1973 ditty, “Oo-De-Lally” (VIDEO) original Robin Hood soundtrack (OS), and apparently all real images (I have my doubts on the goat-rhino walk), are comprised of viral YouTube videos of oddly adorable animal friends playing together (TheMill). Like the copy says: “You don’t have to be a cute animal to show the world how to “Be Together. Not the Same.” But it definitely helps – "Friends Furever.” The 2006 founded, Manhattan-based global advertising agency Droga5 (William Morris Endeavor) that was behind the campaign stated: “The Android campaign brought together people of all shapes and sizes. So we invited the animal kingdom, too. “Friends Furever” is a celebration of unlikely animal friendships in all their adorable, quirky and sometimes bizarre glory. Because the only thing better than one cute animal – is two cute animals combining their talents to steal a spaghetti dinner.” If these animals could speak they’d probably say “Be together. Credits: Client: Android, Google Agency: Droga5 New York. Editor: Ben Suenaga, Friendshop! Visual Effects Company: The Mill. Photo credit: Droga5. Enjoy!