“Cheerfully winking at the self-appointed style police, Steffen drops another record, looking to surprise you once more.”
Once a while you walk into a place and you are immediately drawn to a certain sound. It was while ago but last Sunday it happened at the TrouwAmsterdam. It was a Trouw NightDigital special with Prosumer (Ostgut Ton, Playhouse, Berlin), Job Jobse and Steffen Bennemann (Nachtdigital, Leipzig). Steffen instantly captured my attention. Deep in your soul music it was. Ranging from subtle to rather direct. The emotions with a certain trippyness throughout his set were perfect! And the set went up and down, moving body and soul alike. He even had breaks in it….complete breaks! It looks like versatility is the basis of Mr. Bennemann’s work….. I am an instant fan!! Thankx for inspiring Steffen. First thing I am going to do while arriving in Berlin is buying 2X SL 1210 mk2 tables. A Sennheiser HD 25-1 headset and a Xone92. FIRST TWO RECORDS I AM BUYING ARE Teufelsberg & Mahesvari. Listen here to Leipzig’s own Steffen Bennemann with an epic three hour set live from Nachdigital 2012.