10 years ago

“Creativity is as important now in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.”

In this brilliant Oct. 2010 uploaded RSA Animate talk WATCH HERE, Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert, and recipient of the RSA’s Benjamin Franklin award, lays out the link between a couple of troubling trends: 

  • rising drop-out rates, schools’ dwindling stake in the arts, and ADHD. 

Robinson reminds us that our current system of education was established in an era of industrialisation which it also reflects. The questions Robinson rises, inspire you to think differently about our current model. Watch this lecture (16th June 2008) in full here. The audio in this speech has been edited from the original event by Becca Pyne. Series produced by Abi Stephenson, RSA. Animation by Cognitive Media. 

  • Also listen to George Carlin’s rant about the American Dream – The American Dream, also read Barbara Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed and have a look at this (Upworthy) paycheck from a McDonald’s worker. Don’t jaw drop to the floor please…..It’s one year wages — yes, *full-time* wages peoples…

Photo Credit: RSA Animate. Sharing=caring! Enjoy.