Goldman Sachs.
For the last 10 years the American investment bank Goldman Sachs provided the Greek government with risky financial constructions that basically made look Greece look healthy on paper but in reality wasn’t. With these financial constructions Goldman Sachs helped Greece live above it’s score. This is how Greece got deeper and deeper in depth. We now have a population in Greece whom hardly understands how it got so far. The Goldman-Greece deal created hundreds of millions of profit to Goldman Sachs and created the beginning of the structural undermining of the euro. In tonight’s VPRO Backlight episode the tale concerning the deals and the impact for Greece and the rest of Europe. Click here for full Episode. My main questions are: “Will Greece have to go bankrupt like Argentina did and leave the Euro”? “Where will the bailout money eventually go to”? “Will the banks incentives and bonus structures eventually change”? “Will the Volcker Rule bring a positive light on it all? On Wednesday February 15th Europe will decide on Greece. Let’s see what Jim Rogers (video) and Matt Taibbi (video) have to say about this all. All I can say is” WAKE UP FOLKS"!!