13 years ago

I Want to believe. 

All photo’s in the video above where researched by Argentinean freelance Editor Lucas Otero. Otero really takes the Instagram App to the next level with this basic conceptual but brilliant edit. Instagram bought for a $1 billion in cash and stock by Facebook has more then 50 million users already, adding around 5 million users weekly. Next to that 1 billion photos around mid-april 2012 (4.5 million photos per day) will be uploaded since it’s inception on October 6th 2010. It really is the most inspiring free photo sharing program out there, without a doubt. I feel that progressive entrepreneurship’s like this will eventually lead to more global understanding of the concept of Belongingness. The photos used in the video also reminded me a lot of a brilliant quote from Jeremy Rifkin. "We know if a spider goes up someone’s arm, and I’m observing it going up your arm, I’m going to get a creepy feeling. We take this for granted, but we’re actually softwired to actually experience another’s plight as if we’re experiencing it ourselves. But mirror neurons are just the beginning of a whole range of research going on in neuro-psychology and brain-research and in child development, that suggests that we are actually softwired not for agression and violence and self interest and utilitarianism, that we are actually softwired for sociability, “attatchment” as John Bowlby might have said, affection, companionship, and that the first drive is the drive to actually belong". It’s an empathic drive. …..Haciendo bien Otero! la vida esta ’really’ afuera…. Oooh watch the horrible commercial version of this concept. Launched on May 21st here from AlmapBBDO….Nice try guys…but not really!