13 years ago


The ‘New’ JUSTICE Music video for ‘New Lands’! Directed by Partizan’s Spanish Director’s trio Canada. Based on Roller Ball Murder (doc), short story by William Harrison which first appeared in the 1973 September issue of Esquire magazine. And Director Norman Jewison’s instant-classic 1975’s RollerBall. Click here to watch the classic. More influences from David Cronenberg’s Eastern Promises, Oliver Stone’s Any given Sunday, John Carpenter’s Escape from New York, Alan Johnson’s  Solarbabies, Peter Berg’s Friday Night Lights, Mark Steven Johnson’s Ghost Rider and The Cobra manga series. Video produced by Partizan France. Album and single produced by Ed Banger Records. Distributed by Red Bull Music and Post-production by Glassworks Barcelona EP available now!  Watch-Like-Share! Ooh and Thank you Red Bull for sponsoring!! I will go out and buy one to show my appreciation.