“one medium dry vodka martini, Shaken not stirred”
While visiting London last week everybody in the Advertising industry was talking about the fact that Daniel Craig was going to order a Heineken beer instead of a Vodka Martini in Sam Mendes’ Skyfall. No, No….this is not the case Mr. J. C. Jacobsen, Mr. Carlos Brito and Mr. Graham Mackay. Heineken would never jeopardize their incredibly strong 15 year relationship wih the Bond franchise. Besides that I think their recent campaign is bringing it all to new heights for the young “Open your world” digital devotees. This with a good series of television and online media campaigns. For example get involved with the new ‘Crack the Case’ with the latest Bond girl Bérénice Marlohe TVC and game. WATCH HERE. Viewers of the TVC and Facebook game are taking into a moving train somewhere in deep snow-covered mountains. Developed by the boutique Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam Ad Agency, Directed by Dutch Canal+ legend Matthijs van Heijningen (MJZ) with director of photography Joost van Gelder, producer Cris McBride, executive producer Debbie Turner and Editer Jono Griffith. I feel Heineken has been making the right noises at the right places to make itself quite visible in the World wide marketplace. I must say the Facebook game lacks originality because there is not a real game element. Beside that It reminds me a lot of the Interactive Agency KONG produced 2010 4x Cannes Lions winner Stanislav online cybercrime campaign. Play-like-or-don’t-share!