7 years ago

Science: Instagram is destroying your memories

The Influence of Taking Photos on Memory

Have you ever taken a photo of a moment, only to forget about it later? You’re not alone. Turns out Instagram and other photo apps like it could have an impact on our memories. A study in the journal Psychological Science reveals a photo-taking-impairment effect—people remember fewer details about objects that are photographed compared to objects that are not.

Mobile devices and applications like Instagram make it easy to capture photos to over-filter and share with friends. But while these applications might make our lives easier, they also tend to act as a supplement for experiences. Read more

If You Want to Remember Your Vacation More, Take Fewer Photos. By Jessica Stillman

Imagine you are planning a perfect vacation. Where would you go? What outfits would you bring? What type of camera would you use? Which accommodations and restaurants would you choose? Now what if, at the end of your glorious vacation, you were to have your memory erased and all your pictures and memorabilia confiscated. Would you pick the same vacation?

Daniel Kahneman, Nobel prize-winning founder of behavioral economics posed this thought experiment at his recent TED talk. It’s a very intriguing question that raises the notion of a dual self: the self that lives in the present moment, and self that is obscured in memory or imagination.

Using examples from vacations to colonoscopies, Nobel laureate and founder of behavioral economics Daniel Kahneman reveals how our “experiencing selves” and our “remembering selves” perceive happiness differently. This new insight has profound implications for economics, public policy — and our own self-awareness.

It also presents an interesting question – are we capturing memories or are we purposefully designing them? There’s talk of the ‘Instagram Generation,’ those born after 1980 who, in posting perfectly posed pictures with the right amount of nostalgic filtering, are in fact architects of their future memories. It seems that even as we plan something, we are simultaneously anticipating the memories we expect to get out of it. Whether it’s polaroids from the 70s or social media today, the way we choose to capture memories is in line with how our sense of self fits into the spectrum of present, past and future.

Remembering vs. experiencing

According to Kahneman, we have two selves: the experiencing self and the remembering self. The experiencing self knows only the present moment. The remembering self is a storyteller (“that was a good hike”; “that was a bad flight”), and it can dictate our actions when we think of the future as an anticipated memory (“that will be a fun trip”).

Instagram might be ruining our memories. Here’s why that’s a good thing. By Chris Gayomali

Pixar’s Inside Out has a clever way of illustrating how our experience of the past can be colored by emotion. The character Sadness can turn “memory balls” blue just by touching them, forever giving them a sad or negative emotional valence. It’s not to say the experience itself was bad, but when Sadness gets to it, she changes how it is remembered. Similarly, while we plan our vacations in service of our remembering self, the joy we derive from them (in retrospect) is also governed by the remembering self.

The moment

Why the emphasis on stories and memories? Because in the end, that’s all we keep from life. The stories we remember are changes, significant moments and beginnings or endings. All of the in-between is lost to time. The mundane experiences are swept away by the brain to make room for new and potentially interesting memories. In fact, it makes evolutionary sense. We tend to remember the dangers and rewards of life rather than the familiar and routine. This is why unchanging environments tend to make our memory blur, and why summers can seem to last forever in childhood.

But how long is a moment? In psychology, it’s estimated that a moment may last up to three seconds. To put it into perspective, that means we experience roughly 20,000 moments in a waking day, with at least 500 million moments by the time we reach our 70th birthday. Any single moment can provide satisfaction, but it does not equal a general sense of happiness. If you lose your luggage at the end of your trip, you might remember the entire trip as more negative than it was. As we plan or enjoy our vacation, we can minimize the disappointment we feel when the reality doesn’t live up to our expectations by letting go of expectations – and allowing the present self to simply enjoy the experience.

By Dr. Claudia Aguirre. Follow Dr. Claudia Aguirre on Twitter

Social media is ruining the way we recall memories

Professor Martin Conway, Head of Psychology at City University London, also provided some insight:

“The new research by safe.co.uk has shown us just how fallible memory is and the use of social media is actually contributing to this false recall. People tend to succumb to online pressures and only present themselves in a positive light on social media and as people look back on their photos, they can go on to construct false ‘happy’ memories of what that photo represents. This then leads to false representations of the self and people create memories to support the pictures they’re looking at.

What we need to remember is that in order to accurately remember times gone by, we should be using other cues and tangible keepsakes, not just online photos, to store our memories most effectively.”